About Us
I used to get really angry at calendars.
It started out as a cute little frustration, like a kitten batting your socks around the floor. Given time it grew into a full on rage cat that was shredding up everything in sight. Fierce and terrifying!
Or not quite. But I did get a handle on what was bugging me. The layout was just broken and had been broken for a very, very long time. Every time I'd see a calendar I'd just think "this should be better."
Eventually I designed my own calendar The Way It Should Be Done. With no gaps. Just how time is supposed to be.
A friend suggested putting this on Kickstarter so I could do a print run. I didn't think anyone would care and went for it.
That campaign was successful. As were the two in the years after that.
And now here we are. I'm a calendar merchant. I've met lots of other people who feel the same way and have been buying them from the beginning.
So please join me in looking at time the right way. It'll feel a lot better.